Occupational fields at VÖLKEL Real Estate

Discover real estate management jobs with us: from technical to commercial and strategic professions

The real estate market is more than commerce and business; it is a vibrant field that requires constant development, innovation and creativity. With us, you will experience the diversity of the real estate industry.
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of an impressive commercial building or a vibrant shopping centre? Here you not only get answers, but you can become part of it yourself!

Our employees give an insight into their varied jobs with us

  • Center Manager

    Florian Went

    Why did you decide to work as a center manager?
    “The variety of tasks, the contact with a wide range of people, with satisfied visitors, the opportunity to shape things makes my center heart beat faster. For me, it’s not just a job, but a challenge that motivates me again and again.”

    What tasks are you responsible for in your job?
    “The task is based on five pillars. There is the owner of the center, who ultimately has to accept and finance changes. It is the operator (in this case us as VÖLKEL) who manages the center. There are the tenants, who are ideally happy to have a thriving business in the center. There are the employees who need to be managed and motivated. And – last but not least – there are the customers, who can come to us with criticism and suggestions at any time!”

    What do you think people should bring to this job? 
    “It takes a lot of knowledge and experience, but above all heart and passion, as well as a sense of humor and appreciation for the people you deal with every day. You have to enjoy working in a team – you have to bring together the experience and knowledge of each individual in a targeted way, that’s the only way to develop a center.”

    In your experience, to what extent can you develop within this profession? 
    “Center Manager” is not a classic training occupation, so there are many different CVs for Center Managers. Every day you have the opportunity to recognize gaps in your knowledge and fill them against your own professional background. That’s what I call developing existing expertise!”  

    Why are you doing this job at VÖLKEL? 
    “I think it’s great what Dirk Völkel and his team have achieved over the years, and I appreciate the family style that is cultivated at VÖLKEL. The teams are highly competent, innovative and always approachable and human.”

  • Junior Center Manager

    Lara Aoul

    “As the interface between owner, tenant and customer, there are always new challenges to overcome. We are in contact with individual personalities every day, which means we can always learn something new. And the many stories I’ve already experienced could fill entire books! Versatility characterizes this profession, as there are always new projects in a huge range waiting to be planned and implemented.

    We center managers at VÖLKEL are well networked with each other and share our experiences and ideas in order to advance all the centers we manage. Thanks to the flat hierarchies at VÖLKEL, it is also possible to quickly acquire responsibility in various areas of work.

    The informal culture and respectful interaction with one another help to ensure that when problems arise, we always work together as a team to find a solution, because our goal is to be successful together.”

  • Building technician

    Daniel Finke

    Why did you decide to work as a building technician?
    “I missed the practical experience and therefore decided to work on the “living object”, also because it is a very varied job that offers a high degree of social contact.”

    What tasks are you responsible for in your job?
    “Generally speaking, for smooth day-to-day operations. With regard to the technical systems and the building, this includes, for example, the documentation of defects and their rectification, functional tests, control and monitoring of the ventilation and heating systems, organization of conversion measures and replacement of obsolete system components.”

    What do you think people should bring to this job?
    “A clear interest in building technology, good organizational skills and the will to develop further in these fields. You should also have an understanding of modern office work. Years of experience in the trade are expressly not required, as many activities are outsourced to other external service providers.”

    Why are you doing this job at VÖLKEL?
    “A very high degree of organizational freedom and flexibility that allows me to develop not only myself, but also the building.”

    What was the most memorable moment during your time at VÖLKEL?
    “During my “taster day”, I accompanied my current colleague to the roof of the main building. There I was shown my current area of responsibility using the pylons that delimit the property.”

  • (Senior) Property Manager

    Nicole Weidehoff

    Property Manager – the link between all departments

    “Working together with everyone on an equal footing motivates me to manage my varied working day with a good work-life balance.”

    As the central point of contact, property management forms the bridge between tenants, contractors and owners. In essence, it is about keeping track of the objects entrusted to us:

    Inventory management
    From the processing of notices of defects to the preparation of rent adjustments and service charge settlements to dunning and invoicing.

    Contract management
    Preparation and review of contract documents for new and follow-up negotiations.

    Reporting and budget planning
    Creation and monitoring of comprehensive reports and budgets

    Optimization measures
    Identification of potential for increasing efficiency, e.g. by changing service providers or generating additional rental income.

    Regular exchange with clients and tenants.

    Coordination of specialist departments
    E.g. with facility management, accounting and external legal departments

    The following qualities are important for this role
    Ability to work independently, very good organizational skills, strong communication and negotiation skills and the ability to work in a team. In addition to experience in commercial real estate management, it is necessary to be able to set priorities.

  • Team Assistance

    Sandra Firulovic

    Team assistance in center management – the organizational heart of the team on site

    “It simply never gets boring here because working in a shopping center is always challenging and you have to deal with such a variety of situations and people. You grow from these new experiences. At VÖLKEL, I particularly appreciate the open interaction with each other and the consistently collegial atmosphere.”

    With a knack for organizing, multitasking skills and always a smile on their face, the team assistant is the link that keeps daily processes running smoothly and efficiently:

    Documentation & files
    From the creation and maintenance of minutes, duty rosters and tenant newsletters to presentations and budget planning – the assistant ensures transparency and structure.

    First contact
    A warm welcome and competent support for guests – whether on the phone or directly on site. Communication hub: Central point of contact for tenants, stand tenants, customers and service providers. The team assistant constantly interacts with colleagues from areas such as building services, technical and commercial property management.

    Marketing support
    Supporting the center management team with targeted marketing measures as part of the advertising community or the advertising budget.

    In the event of vacation, illness or other absences, the assistant confidently takes over from the center manager.

    The following properties are important for this role
    Organizational skills, friendliness, understanding, helpfulness and professional competence. Calm can be maintained in stressful moments and new, unexpected situations can be mastered with flexibility and creativity.

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    Have we aroused your interest? Then find the right position with us now or contact our HR team directly for more information on other job profiles at VÖLKEL.

    Petra Eckert

    Corinna Ruhnau

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