26. March 2024

The fascination of man – an expedition into your body

Marktredwitz, 26.03.2024, How many cells does our body consist of? Which is the strongest muscle? Is our bloodstream really 100,000 km long? How does the heart know that it should beat?

The interactive exhibition, which VÖLKEL Real Estate is showing for the first time in the Kössin shopping center, is all about the fascination of the human body. In an exhibition covering six areas, visitors to the shopping center learn amazing things about the human body and its biology. The customer receives information on the anatomy of the body as well as the metabolism, the 5 senses and health in general.

“The exhibition is designed in such a way that interesting facts are clearly conveyed. An integrated quiz makes it even more fun for visitors,” says center manager Nico Helmedach. “We also wanted to show that entertainment, knowledge and shopping pleasure can be easily combined,” he adds, explaining the motivation behind this innovative and interactive exhibition in the Kössin shopping center.

“Shopping centers have to be more than just places to shop,” says Mario Zanolli, Managing Director of VÖLKEL Real Estate, “if they are a place of well-being and an experience, then not only the customer benefits, but also the local retailer – this exhibition at the KEC has achieved this in an impressive way,” says the Managing Director for the Shopping Center division at VÖLKEL, summarizing the philosophy behind events in shopping centers.